
SOME LIKE IT HOT -Sugar Shell’s first dog blog

I am a Maltese. I’m four which of course means I’m 28.

I lie and say I’m three.  But everyone lies in Hollywood.

Marilynn Monroe  had a Maltese, like me, named “Maf”.  
Since I am named after her character in Some Like It Hot, Sugar Shell, I think I will use my first blog ever to comment on the rumor that Elizabeth, my human (and what a human she is; stunning, loving, sometimes a bit mercurial. What I imagine Liz Taylor, another maltese lover to be like, minus the many marriages and too many pills)  heard this morning regarding an upcoming movie narrated through the eyes of “Maf”. Marilynn’s very own Maltese and possibly my distant cousin: 
Well, I like it!  What a brilliant idea. 

Who is going to play Marilynn?

Elizabeth heard it might be Angelina Jolie? 

Nope. No way. She doesn’t have a Maltese.  Plus she is not nearly curvy enough.  Whoever plays Marilynn has got to have curves. Real curves. It takes a certain softness to own one of us.  Angelina is a doberman pincher type.

People will go to the movie for the dog anyway.  I know these things.  

The question is, who is going to  play “Maf”?  My Elizabeth would be great.  Ok, she would need a human part.  Is Liz Taylor in this flick?
I love Liz Taylor.
Here is a picture of her Maltese, 

Ok and I just found out that this is “Sugar”.  Her name is SUGAR. I knew I loved Liz Taylor.   Really this is amazing.  I’m Sugar Shell.  My human is Elizabeth.  I would die to meet Sugar.  We have a lot in common. Do you think Sugar acts?  If so SHE could play “Maf”.  Man I am thinking. Have I shown you a picture of my Human? 

She is a great actress. She takes me on set.
  1. E.Liz as I like to call her. I think I will run now and think some more on how to fix this casting situation.  Chow!


1 comment:

  1. The Maltese is acknowledged as one of the oldest breeds of dog, clearly identifiable over hundreds of years. The beauty and lovely name of these small dogs has been acclaimed from pre-Christian times by poets and artists alike. A model of a Maltese, presumed to be a child’s toy, going back as far as 8,000 BC has been found in excavations and it has been written that Charles Darwin placed the origin of the breed at 6,000 BC.


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